Saturday, February 15, 2014

"How Does Your Garden Grow?"

Climbing Rose Garden
Remember the poem in school? That goes something like, "How does your garden grow? With cockleshells" something, something, something.

With that said the following layouts depict our yard.

Magnolia Tree

Sunflowers one year
Irises in the front garden

Square foot are the layouts:
The vegetable garden has six beds with room for two more in the middle.
The flower garden surrounds the front porch. After nearly killing all the gardenias that were there, I think I have learned how to raise them!
The potted garden are no problem because they are the plants I grew up does take a lot of coaxing during the winter for them to survive, but they and I survive through these bleak NC winters to greet the sun's warmth each spring!
The herb garden is a garden I dream about and nervously plant....I was met with huge success last year and supposedly herbs are easy to care for, but I have never planted herbs before so I am always nervous. My biggest puzzle is what to do in design. I have specific area for this garden, but it is very unlevel due to the roots beneath.
The orchard and shrubs......where do I begin? This is a whole different story. Let's just say they are my biggest dream and largest failure at this moment, ha!
The wildlife garden and the BIRB garden along with the livestock feed garden are still a dream.

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