Monday, August 25, 2014

Zucchini, Cucumber, and Honey Dew. OH MY!

Cucumber flower
Zucchini Flower

Honey Dew and Cucumber

These three plants have many similarities in look at least.You may remember back in July I had a hard time telling the plants apart. Once the leaves grew larger, their shape was easier to distinguish, but I soon discovered they all grew yellow flowers, as seen in the pictures above.
Aside from the Honeydew, the veggies are similar in color as well. Out of the 20 zucchini only one plant provided us with produce. The Cucumbers were doing amazing, but got drenched by the summer rains. They require a lot of fertilizer and spray from bugs. Out of the three honeydew plants we got two honeydew.
Overall I believe it wasn't a bad result for my first try.

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