Monday, June 2, 2014

Harvesting Peas

I am harvesting the last of the peas. This is about the only plant I am truly successful with. You can plant them in the middle of February and harvest them by the end of May.

I am successful planting peas and saving seeds from peas, harvesting peas is another story. Peas aren't fussy. They love water, but can stand lack of water. They enjoy 8 hours of sun.

When you want to open a shell. You can pop it open by squeezing the end of the pod. You can pull up the entire plant at the end of the season with on pod left and let it turn light brown. This ensures the peas are dried out. You can store your dried peas in a dry area for next planting season.

I will say it takes a lot of plants to harvest enough for more than one person. I will plant these again for the fall garden.

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