Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Exhaustion and Relaxation

Spring Blooms
Once again the business of life has gotten in the way. I have not stopped gardening or planning, but I have stopped recording. I am thankful for April showers. We live in an area that receives a lot of rain, as well. This relieves my workload of daily watering the plants. It also increases my husband's workload of mowing more often.

 This is my favorite time of year at our house for the front yard. It's misting outside this morning so it's not quite as breath taking as in the sunshine, but it is still beautiful.


  1. yeah. I have been waiting for the next post. Love the front yard. It is beautiful. Joe needs the exercise(ha)

  2. Yes, I have a ton of posts in my head. Just haven't had the time to write them down and post them. :) The garden is looking beautiful.


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