Spring Harvest |
This spring garden turned out decent. The lettuce surprised us and produced to the very end of spring! I will note that although, the lettuce has not bolted it taste bitter. I believe temperature has some control over the taste of lettuce.
We harvested quite a few carrots. I learned that although the idea of a cutting an inch off the top of the carrot to replant, is a nice idea they wilted for me. Instead, I kept a few carrots in the ground to harvest their seeds next year, hopefully.
Peas grew beautifully! 60 plants is still not enough for a family of five. I will plant another variety this spring. I was able to harvest two quarts and over 20 seedlings. They even tried to produce a second time! The problem with peas in the summer in NC is that the humidity rots the pods before they finish developing.
I planted the celery too late or they only grow around here during the fall. I am not sure. I just know they bolted well before they were ready due to the heat.
Onions are still growing beautifully. I'm beginning to think they take over a year to grow. I will say you do have to continue to had dirt as they grow because they enjoy pushing through the top.
That is all I can think of. I know I planted a few more plants, but they were either unsuccessful or escape my memory at the moment.
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