Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Banana Plant Mutilation

My kids have mutilated my deck plants so many times by now it is not even funny! We brought these plants in during May when the nights would dip below 60s. One Sunday afternoon, we came out to the living room to a sight of a banana tree shredded to bits.
I about cried. It takes this plant 3 years to produce bananas. We have YET to have a plant make it to that third year. The longest we have kept one from being frost bit or mutilated by the kids is two years. I will say, they self propagate very easily!
Simply expose some of a bananas root and it will produce another plant. We are almost up to 11 plants this year. So far the one original plant we have bought produces 11 plants. of those 11, a handful survived our elements. From those 3 that survived we have had many more. Now if one could survive until its harvest!

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