Monday, July 28, 2014

Blog posts and Harvesting Lettuce Seeds

A short note on blog posts is in order. I have not forgotten to post. The next few days there will be a ton of posts from spring and summer on here. It's hard to believe it is time to prep for the fall garden almost. For my fourth year of NC planting, I must say I've been more successful. Still a lot of mishaps, disappointments, and triumphs, but I am happy with everything I have learned.

I did want to write what I did today though. I immediately fell in love with harvesting lettuce seeds, when I learned how. To me, the experience was like finding a wonderful surprise, uncovering a puzzle....not sure how to describe it. As below, you see the plant bloom in yellow flowers, much like a dandelion does. These petals will fall off leaving a white fuzz, much like a dandelion once again. It is with this flower fuzz that you find the seeds.
  • Pinch off the white, fuzz of flower with it's stem.
  • Carefully  pinch off the stem along with the bottom part of the flower.
  • As you pinch from the bottom of the flower, you will discover the seeds fall from the white fuzz
Lettuce in bloom

harvesting lettuce seeds

Inside the floral pod

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