Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Spring 2011
I spied a whole cauldron of tulips this year. I cannot describe my excitement!!!!

I fell in love with our house because of the yard. The yard was complete mess of weeds. The grass was so bad that the neighbors were begging us to cut it before we even bought the house!

In the yard was this cute wooden cutout of a sunbonnet girl. Her face was hidden by the bonnet and she was in a bent position of smelling the flowers.

My husband insisted on throwing out the garden specimen, but see.....Growing up, I secretly wished for that one garden ornament to be in my home yard. I saw that little wooden figure in the yard, saw my husband's delight over the open floor plan and knew in my heart of hearts this was going to be our home.

That coming spring, I peeped out the kitchen window to discover the first blooms. These beautiful red tulips were bravely flourishing in the 30 degree weather. We had considered throwing out that wretched cauldron when we moved in! Well, as any novice gardener would do....that coming spring I promptly added fertilizer. I accidentally dumped a lot of bone meal in the pot. I was so sad.....for three years I've waited, trying to decide whether to throw out the pot or what.

Then last week I spied a ton of leaves bravely unfurled. I am impatiently waiting for some flowers to appear any day now!

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