Sunday, March 2, 2014

War of Roses

Remember those history chapters about the wars between the two English houses? An ongoing family feud dispersed throughout their kingdom. So I'm being melodramatic when I compare my view point and my husband's viewpoint on ideal yards.
Information books

Actually, my favorite aspect of gardens is the diversity. I personally don't believe in "black thumb" growers. You just haven't found the type of plant to survive your personality, lol. Whether you over water, under water, or just plain lack knowledge: the beauty of gardening is that you grow along with your endeavors.

I have to confess, I am not a great vegetable gardener. Even when I was on my native Texas soil, I had a hard time growing veggies......or maybe it was the weeding. I have been focusing on vegetables. Now for a few blog posts about my favorite topic - Flowers!

I am not a native of NC and I miss my azaleas and bluebonnets, but NC flowers are pretty amazing too. I have found irises, tulips, crepe myrtle, ....pretty much bulb plants love NC soil.

I have found a garden consists not only of planting but also considering harvest. On the other hand, flowers depend mostly on sunlight, water, and soil's ph.

Irises prefer semi-shade or they get too hot. I like to plant Irises as borders for our wooded areas and our shaded part of house. There is no special soil for them here in NC. I have just plopped in the ground and they have flourished. The key to transplanting them or planting them is to do it in the fall when it is 60 degree weather.

Blueberry bushes are a must in NC. Obviously, that is strictly my opinion; but I say plant blueberries!!!!! I planted ours, going on two years ago, directly in the ground. They're not fussy about being watered or anything, and we harvested a pint off a 2 year old bush!

The terminology for flowers is simple: annual, biennials or perennial. In other words, will it live a year or up to two years?

I love flowers. There is no need for obsessing over how consistent the weather will be for a certain period of time.  My advice when starting out working in soil, plant flowers!

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