Saturday, May 31, 2014


I'm sure we are all aware of the potential seed distribution birds possess. This happened with my beloved honeysuckle. I love honeysuckle. I have found memories of my summers in FL picking off the flowers and sucking the honey found at the tip.

We have so many different type of birds in our yard. I love to bird watch. Either last year, or the year before, a bird kept perching on the garden posts. It was that fall I noticed a plant growing beside one of the posts. I didn't have the time yet to really make my garden so I let it be. Turns out it was a honeysuckle that the bird had transplanted. Funny part is there is not a honeysuckle to be seen in my neighborhood.

Yes, honeysuckle grows extremely fast and overtakes whatever it is near. I had wanted this honeysuckle and was blessed with it. so I trim back the side that pokes into the garden. The honeysuckle bush has actually worked wonders for my garden because it provides shade for the greens from the afternoon sun.

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