Sunday, August 3, 2014


Marketer  Cucumber

Marketer Cucumber

Dill Cucumber
These pictures make me sad. This was the last time the plant was healthy. They ended up dying off before I could harvest many. Cucumbers require a lot of fertilizer. They loved the soil I planted them in due to the fact that the chicken manure was at the bottom of the compost pile, but alas the rain!!!! This time of year the rain we receive from the costal hurricanes dumps right on our location. We have the greenest grass in the region, but it also bodes ill for our corn and cucumbers.

I have yet to figure a way to keep these plants well fertilized and healthy during these rain storms. They don't have time to dry out. For this fact, bugs, mold, washed away fertilizer, and lack of sun was the demise of these beauties.

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