Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Middle of Summer garden

This summer garden was a mixture of successes and failures. The basil turned out beautiful and I was able to dry out enough to fill my Sams jar! The key to basil is constant harvesting. The more often you harvest, the bigger the plant grows.
We harvested quite a few cucumbers. I learned, although cucumber may be green one day, you must fertilize and tend to these plants on a weekly basis.
The one Zucchini grew beautifully! We were able to harvest over 6 off of the one plant.
I planted the tomato plants so many times, I have lost count. They do not appreciate NC summers. The heat, rain, humidity fluctuates to much for them. I will try next year to start them indoors and transfer them outside.
I have yet to harvest any bell pepper. Pepper plants need to be planted in the middle of summer or started indoors because they love warmth.
That is all I can think of. I know I planted a few more plants, but they were either unsuccessful or escape my memory at the moment.

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