Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April Showers

Hearing the rain fall every few minutes, make me happy. Sometimes I will garden in drizzling rain. A few things to keep in mind when plants are wet.

  • Wear gloves, for your plants. Plants do not like the oils of human skin.
  • Assess the spots that are retaining water. The puddles can be slightly amended with wood chip mulch.
  • Save your money and gather free mulch from your local tree cutting service.
  • Avoid fancy mulch that uses chemicals to dye their mulch pretty colors.
  • Incorporate crushed egg shells as your top layer to discourage crawling bugs from devouring your plants.
  • If you have a rain barrel, make sure the netting is secure over the top to discourage mosquitoes.
  • Remember standing water attracts mosquitoes. Either plant citronella and bright flowers such as marigolds, or find a way to rid the standing water.

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