Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Planting Almond Trees

Almond Tree bud Crook
We followed these guidelines when we went to plant our almond trees. I did get hung up on the whole bud crook part. Obviously the scion bud emerged on the right in this picture....right? Anyway, they're finally planted along with the fertilizer they came with.

When planting tiny trees be sure to mark their place with a rock big enough to see so that when you mow you don't mow over them....yea, guilty. :)

Mulch around trees. This is important because grass "kills" trees, not directly. Grass requires a lot of water and they prefer to the shade of trees, but because grass requires a lot of water, they soak up a lot of the water the young trees need. It is important to keep a mulch area around trees, especially when they are young to ensure proper watering.

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