Sunday, May 18, 2014

Beyond Excited

May 9th I discovered the first dill pickle cucumbers popping up. I am beyond excited and hopefully I can fill a few mason jars full of cucumber goodness!

Spring is winding down. With Spring, comes the spring crop harvest. The peas have beautiful pods on all the plants. I am waiting for the pods to fill out before snapping them off for harvest.

Lessons learned from this year's gardening:
  • Companion planting and crushed egg shells have truly kept the bugs from chewing any leaves.
  • Lettuce can be planted close together to encourage its growth upright.
  • Companion planting encourages beneficial insects?
We have had weather in the 90s this week and the lettuce has been doing well. I think it is because of the 6" mulch layer. The soil has not dried out from the rain back in April. I continue to water it once in the morning and once at night. 

Garden Bed 3

Garden Bed 1
Garden Bed 2

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