Friday, May 9, 2014

Tree Stump mishap

Tree Stump Garden
Today's mishap features my children. It came as no surprise. As I was digging this garden bed, in the back of my mind I envisioned the mishap. My children were merrily digging along with me.

We successfully raked the decaying leaves away to reveal rich mulch. All morning, the kids were merrily digging away. I explained to them once I planted seeds they would not make mama happy if they dug. We headed into lunch.

I thought, I was being smart when I planted the seeds during naptime. Ha! After nap time, they rushed right back to dig. I had forgotten by this point. After a few minutes of dirt flying in the air, they began to fuss in fight. I heard their feud and discovered my poor seeds plight. Not sure where these poor seeds will turn up, but I'm gonna pretend they're laying nice and pretty, in their designated spot.

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