Friday, May 30, 2014

Gardening lessons

Honeydew Seedling
So far, I have learned a few lessons from this gardening season.
  • Don't water Dill in the heat of the day. Makes them burn and die.
  • Make sure you keep your greens covered in crushed egg shells. It truly keeps the slugs away.
  • When you accidentally pull up spinach, it will wilt in a matter of minutes. It will not take root.
  • Spinach prefers cool weather. Once it reaches above 75 degrees it will be the first to bolt.
  • You an prolong your romaine and loose, leaf lettuce as well as prevent it from bolting even in 100 degree weather if you keep it covered in mulch six inches deep.
  • You can plant seeds long as they don't get washed out, they will germinate once the soil temperature reaches it's optimal warmth.

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