Thursday, February 27, 2014

"Birds of a Feather Flock Together"

Common phrase, favorite concept - that is what comes to mind when I heard, "Birds of feather flock together." Companion planting is  my ultimate dream in gardening. I played around with the concept last season and came out with some interesting results.

The idea behind companion planting is the fact that plants feed off of each other.  Some plants receive more of the benefit than others. Some cannot even grow next to each other.

2012 Baby Bell Pepper
Have you ever seen a wild, untouched field? How all sorts of flowers and grass are in that field? In nature companion planting is seen. I wish to imitate nature's design to reap the benefits.

From last year's experience, I learned companion planting may benefit one plant, but leaves the companion unable to produce.

This year's layout for  companion planting are as follows:

Spring Garden                               Companion Plant
Broccoli                                       Oregano, Lettuce, Spinach
Carrots                                         Broccoli, Lettuce
Lettuce                                         Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach
Peas                                             Spinach
Spinach                                        Cilantro, Broccoli,

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