Monday, March 3, 2014

Check List

I am overwhelmed by gardening alone on 2 acres. I have to keep in mind "an elephant gets eaten one bite at a time" I have been out in the yard daily for about 45 minutes chipping away at each thing.
So far all I have done on my list is:

  1. burn fallen limbs and trees
  2. weed dead weeds from gardens
  3. hoe edges of garden
  4. cover edges of garden with baking soda to prevent grass and weeds (this is an experiment)
  5. mulch garden beds
  6. clean out compost piles
  7. prune bushes and trees
  8. mulch trees
next garden bed project
.....yea, not much, but I do have a lot on the list partially completed. :) Moral of the story, I guess, take heart. Something done is better than not a thing.

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