Thursday, March 13, 2014


Rose Bed Before
 Last season, the kids were still toddling around throwing everything over the side of the railing. This season, I am excited to finally take down the deck gate, we had added, and hoping the kids are over the stage of throwing things over the railing.

Roses......I actually don't care for them. :) Shocker, right???? When we moved to the house, it was the  middle of spring. The previous owner had planted these climbing roses. They must be hybrid because there has only been one rose hip.

Looking at these branches you would think the roses were dead. Look closer. The red tint you see to them mean they are alive. The grey, brown tint you see at the garbage bin is dead.

What climbing roses like:
  • A trellis
  • To be weaved horizontally (this is very important)
  • Banana peels!!!!
  • sun 
  • air circulation to prevent mold spots.
What climbing roses do not like:
  • being tied (they will die)
  • being "trained" to "climb" vertically
  • poor drainage
 There are a few ways to address drainage. The previous owners planted them with some pebbles and ground covering plant. Yes, you read that right. This plant (which I'm wondering if it is a type of wild rose) creeps up in the middle of June. Its roots retain water. Its leaves keep the ground covered so that the ground stays moist. It blooms tiny white flowers. It loves the shade that the roses provide. It loves moisture.
I weeded out the ground plant, but hopefully not too much. I was so excited to discover a new climbing rose shoot. Eventually roses will die out if a new transplant is not encouraged.

What I have learned to like about climbing roses:
  • Their fragrance
  • Their benefits to chicken nests
  • Their brambles make a great home defense. :)
Rose Bed After

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