Monday, March 10, 2014

Friday, February 28

Garden Bed 1
This blog is a journal of observation. I planted directly into the soil on February 28, 2014 for spring harvest. The carrots were planted a fourth inch deep. The Onions a half inch deep. I used a muffin tin to mark the spacing of two inches apart for the carrots. I skipped two slots for the onions to planted six inches apart.

This bed I gave the number 1. This bed has the following layers:
aged chicken manure
grass clippings
dead leaves
last year's garden soil
wood shavings
bone meal

I planted a mixture of onions and carrots. I will start the sage indoors and transplant outside. Once the shoots come up in, roughly, two weeks, I will post it's progress along with any troubles I run into. I did become carried away with the carrot seeds. You are supposed to plant every two weeks, but as you can see in the picture I have very little seeds left over.
Close look of onion and carrot seeds look like.

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