Saturday, March 1, 2014

What's the difference?

It can become confusing when it comes to seeds. So many names to describe a seed! This is what I have come to learn about all the different labels.

Organic - simply means a plant that has not been grown with chemical aid
Hybrid - is when you take a plant and mix with another plant to the point that it may be disease resistant, have certain traits, ect. the problem is after planting them, their seeds are not so dependable to produce.
Heirloom - is simply a plant whose seeds have been taken and replanted for hundreds of years. It was not cross-pollinated or messed with.
Annual - dies after the end of a year life-cycle.
Biennial - takes two years to complete its full seed to flower to seed cycle.
Perennial - takes longer than two years to complete its life-cycle.

Hope my rough understanding of the terms helps a little bit.
seed labels

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